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Save Girl Child

To transfer the donation and to set up a standing order, please use the account:

Name:   Hand of Progress e.V.
Bank:    SPK Bielefeld
IBAN:    DE53 4805 0161 0100 0136 06

Hand of Progress e.V. is recognised as a non-profit organisation and will issue donation receipts for donors which are recognised by the tax office. Please fill in your first name, surname and e-mail correctly. Thank you :)


Donation Total: €100

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Allgemeine Unterstützung unserer Bau-Projekte 

Zur Überweisung der Spende und für die Einrichtung eines Dauerauftrags nutzen Sie bitte das Konto:

Name:  Hand of Progress e.V.
Bank:    Spar- und Kreditbank eG Witten
IBAN:    DE83 4526 0475 0017 9688 00


Speziell für die Unterstützung gefährdeter Mädchen in Kenia

Zur Überweisung der Spende und für die Einrichtung eines Dauerauftrags nutzen Sie bitte das Konto:

Name:  Hand of Progress e.V.
Bank:    SPK Bielefeld
IBAN:    DE53 4805 0161 0100 0136 06

Hand of Progress e.V. ist als gemeinnützig anerkannt und wird für Spender Zuwendungsbestätigungen ausstellen, die vom Finanzamt anerkannt werden. Dafür bitte Vor- & Nachnamen sowie E-Mail korrekt angeben. Danke 🙂


Donation Total: €100

--- Developing with Dignity
Helping school children get clean water and hygiene measures in Kenya.
--- Spread Hope
Give Bibles in Kenya to strengthen community and change lives.
--- Our Mission
Protect Girls and secure their future - With schools in Kenya against forced marriage and circumcision
Support the Girls
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Our main tasks

Sustainable development goals

“Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.”

We provide a regulated water supply, the construction of toilet facilities, hygiene education, wastewater management and much more.

Healthy children, motivated school girls, a decent learning environment, and the establishment of good hygiene practices as a way of life. We are improving sanitation and providing clean drinking water in schools throughout Kenya.

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Create good hygiene practices as a lifestyle and empower children to be hygiene ambassadors. Provide a dignified learning environment and overall conditions that are conducive to children's development.

Missionary work

For most people, owning a Bible is no big deal, but many school children in Kenya cannot afford one. Bibles are a reference book for the compulsory subject of Christian religion.

Protect girls

Forced marriage and circumcision of young girls is an evil practice still practiced in the Pokot regions of Kenya. The schools work against this traditional practice and take in rescued girls.




Our work at a glance.

The team consists of passionate people from different disciplines. As parents and people who believe in God, we rely on the future of children as role models and multipliers. That is why we are committed to helping Kenyan schoolchildren get a better start in life.

Schools and children supported

Supported schools

Students helped

Girls brought to school

Girl rescued

Bibles distributed

Do you have any questions?

Frequently asked questions.

Hand of Progress e.V. supports schools that do not yet have access to clean water, safe toilets, hygienic sanitation and hygiene education.

Access to clean water and toilets is a human right and we want this to be a normal part of daily life for all children everywhere.

Due to the lack of basic drinking water supplies, many people in rural Kenya and remote areas have to travel long, arduous distances every day to reach water sources.

Schools have not been spared from these problems either. School children are responsible for most of their own daily water supply and spend many hours fetching water. They have little time for extracurricular activities.

Schoolgirls are particularly threatened by this custom. They are often forced to stay home during their period – for cultural reasons or because there are no provisions for proper menstrual hygiene at school. As a result, they are often exposed to assault and sexual violence.

Donations via The fees apply. These are currently 2.5% per donation. This means that 97.5% reaches us.

Donate to our association account: 100% of the donation amount reaches us.

Donations via Paypal: Paypal fees will apply. These are currently 0,35€ + 1,5% of your donation amount.

You will automatically receive a collective donation receipt for your donations in January of the following year. If you wish, we will also be happy to issue you an individual receipt in advance. Our colleague Harry Brakowski will be happy to assist you:

It happens again and again that people not only want to donate, but also want to become active. You decide to collect donations with a campaign and thus help people in need in our projects. We will be happy to help you implement your volunteer commitment!

Our colleague Thomas Nurek will be happy to help you:

Supporting companies

We are very grateful for help of any kind. Whether it is money, donations in kind or know-how. With multidisciplinary combined knowledge, we can advance our project and meet the needs in Kenya.