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Save Girl Child

To transfer the donation and to set up a standing order, please use the account:

Name:   Hand of Progress e.V.
Bank:    SPK Bielefeld
IBAN:    DE53 4805 0161 0100 0136 06

Hand of Progress e.V. is recognised as a non-profit organisation and will issue donation receipts for donors which are recognised by the tax office. Please fill in your first name, surname and e-mail correctly. Thank you :)


Donation Total: €100

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Allgemeine Unterstützung unserer Bau-Projekte 

Zur Überweisung der Spende und für die Einrichtung eines Dauerauftrags nutzen Sie bitte das Konto:

Name:  Hand of Progress e.V.
Bank:    Spar- und Kreditbank eG Witten
IBAN:    DE83 4526 0475 0017 9688 00


Speziell für die Unterstützung gefährdeter Mädchen in Kenia

Zur Überweisung der Spende und für die Einrichtung eines Dauerauftrags nutzen Sie bitte das Konto:

Name:  Hand of Progress e.V.
Bank:    SPK Bielefeld
IBAN:    DE53 4805 0161 0100 0136 06

Hand of Progress e.V. ist als gemeinnützig anerkannt und wird für Spender Zuwendungsbestätigungen ausstellen, die vom Finanzamt anerkannt werden. Dafür bitte Vor- & Nachnamen sowie E-Mail korrekt angeben. Danke 🙂


Donation Total: €100

Forced marriages and genital circumcision in Kenya become an issue

Sanitation emergencies and hygiene deficiencies persist in many schools in Kenya. Our remit has expanded, however, as we have moved into new regions in northwestern Kenya. We are unfortunately personally and firsthand confronted with forced marriage and female circumcision in the region. We were deeply shocked to meet girls who were directly affected or who had to seek shelter in school from the villages in order not to be forcibly married.

Ortum Girls Primary takes in girls rescued from such forced marriages by local organizations and protects them on their school grounds. There are currently 40 girls in their care. To further help the girls, the school tried to build a dormitory for them in 2017, but ran out of funds. The roof was not covered until today and the building is still not finished.

After meeting the girls and hearing some of their sad stories, we are convinced that it is only right to help the school finish this house. The girls cannot go home during school vacations and need a place where they can feel safe and secure in order to be able to concentrate at school as well.

The girls who have fled need more than just a safe place to stay. They also need school fees for their education. Schooling is their best chance for a better future. Some of them already have teenage children and are motivated to work hard in school so they can support their children.

In March of this year 2022, we opened our fifth sanitary facility at Ortum Girls’ School. This is the standard installation that we build in all schools, but we change it slightly depending on the needs of the children. It usually includes 14 toilets with showers and 12 washrooms and is usually connected to a water well and septic tank.

We therefore appeal to our friends and supporters to join us and help these girls.

The tuition fee is between 200€ and 400€ per school year.

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