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Save Girl Child

To transfer the donation and to set up a standing order, please use the account:

Name:   Hand of Progress e.V.
Bank:    SPK Bielefeld
IBAN:    DE53 4805 0161 0100 0136 06

Hand of Progress e.V. is recognised as a non-profit organisation and will issue donation receipts for donors which are recognised by the tax office. Please fill in your first name, surname and e-mail correctly. Thank you :)


Donation Total: €100

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Allgemeine Unterstützung unserer Bau-Projekte 

Zur Überweisung der Spende und für die Einrichtung eines Dauerauftrags nutzen Sie bitte das Konto:

Name:  Hand of Progress e.V.
Bank:    Spar- und Kreditbank eG Witten
IBAN:    DE83 4526 0475 0017 9688 00


Speziell für die Unterstützung gefährdeter Mädchen in Kenia

Zur Überweisung der Spende und für die Einrichtung eines Dauerauftrags nutzen Sie bitte das Konto:

Name:  Hand of Progress e.V.
Bank:    SPK Bielefeld
IBAN:    DE53 4805 0161 0100 0136 06

Hand of Progress e.V. ist als gemeinnützig anerkannt und wird für Spender Zuwendungsbestätigungen ausstellen, die vom Finanzamt anerkannt werden. Dafür bitte Vor- & Nachnamen sowie E-Mail korrekt angeben. Danke 🙂


Donation Total: €100

Drinking water plant for Mukuyu Primary School

This is our first and successfully completed project at Mukuyu Primary School in Kitale, Kenya.

Mukuyu Primary is a full day school with about 700 children (boys and girls) aged 3 – 15 years. They are supervised and taught by 20 teachers. The existing pit latrines are far away from the classrooms so that the foul-smelling stench can be tolerated to some extent. The neighboring residents as well as stores also have to endure this smell. Currently, about 300 girls share one toilet in the school! This primary school does not have a water well, nor a storm water system. There is no water available in the school for drinking or hand washing. This happens only afterwards, when the children are back home. The school also has 90 kindergarteners who also rely on the pit toilet, which is a health hazard. They do get lunch at school, but it can only be cooked here in very modest conditions and circumstances. In addition, the children do not have a suitable dining room with seating and therefore have to eat outside on the floor.

Current progress:

We are happy to report that we have finished the construction of the first school toilets.

The on-site school toilet with a septic tank wastewater disposal system using a three-chamber system was successfully opened on September 11, 2018.

Ongoing Measures:

Cleanliness is actively practiced as part of hygiene education. Here, students receive ongoing training on how to use the school restrooms and “how” handwashing with soap becomes the norm.

The care and maintenance of the facilities is actively carried out by a local labor force and by students of the school.

Our next step in spring 2019

Our next step is the extension of the newly built sanitary facility with drinking water supply and the foundation of the Kids Club with the following tasks: Learning hygiene education in a playful way, inspiring the children for their own country, starting Christian children’s ministry.